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*minta tolong ya :))* thanks before :))

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*minta tolong ya :))* thanks before :))

Jawaban :

, “Can deliver satisfactory mating and copulation instinct, because instinct intercourse is a very strong instinct and are forever demanding hard way out. If the way out it can not satisfy her, so many are humans who have kegonjangan and break through the chaos and evil. Thus, marriage menkadikan fresh body, soul so teang, maintained eye of the unclean look calm and enjoy the feeling of kosher items that are in their own homes.Marriage is the only way out is best for creating kids, reproduce offspring, preserve and maintain the fate of human life is considered by Islam. Rasulullah saw, in this case said: Marry women lovers again in order to many children, so that later I can boast that many in number in front of the Prophet on the Day of Judgement.With marriage, fatherly and motherly instincts will grow complement each other in a lively atmosphere with children and will grow too friendly feelings, love and affection which are good qualities that enhance ones humanity.By getting married can lead to creativity, and passion in the work, because it is driven by a sense of responsibility and assume obligations, to establish a fund at the same time her life and her children.With marriage, comes the division of tasks according to their respective nature that God has given him. For example, a husband who physically empowered by God then he must work outside the home, while his wife, who according to her femininity, then he worked at home taking care of their children in terms of education, maintaining property while maintaining the honor of her husband.By getting married, can strengthen community relations, reproduce relatives and family relationships.So that we can say at this reception, hopefully can be beneficial to us all, especially for the bride and groom. Thank you for all the concern for him, and apologize for any shortcomings. For it to end my speech let in trouble together with a sincere heart pray to God that this is intended for both of them.”, BISMILLAAHIRROHMAANIRROHIM…….ALLOHUMMA YA ALLAH,bestow Thy grace of thy servant to both being hold this ceremony.ALLOHUMMA YA ALLAH,make their household always pervaded by an atmosphere of love and compassion and peace. And protect them both from all the slander that comes from the devil., “AMIN-AMIN YAA ROBBALAALAMIN”,
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Honorable, the principle of SMP / SMA (…….)
Unforgetable, all teachers and my friends in this best school, our (….) we love.
Standing over here, I would like to give my greatest thanks to Allah the
Almighty, Who has been giving me and you all His Mercies and Blessings
without stopping days to days, hours to hours, even seconds to seconds.
Without those all, we will never be here to listen my short but
important speech. Then, Sholawat be to Muhammad, our messenger who has
given us many teachings to live in this world and hereafter.,
A lot of things are being closed because we don2019t understand how to open
it. By understanding English, I do believe that we can open what we
haven2019t opened yet. For instances, how to make peace in this world? I do
believe that peace in this world will only be achieved through
discussion. Wars can fight against wars because peace will never be
gained by wars. Yes, only honest discussion we will find the peace.

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Demikian Jawaban *minta tolong ya :))* thanks before :)) Semoga membantu adi-adik yang sedang mencari jawaban. Kemudian kami sarankan untuk melakukan pencarian soal selanjutnya dan temukan jawabannya hanya di situs kami.

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Dislcaimer :

Jawaban yang disediakan diatas hanya untuk digunakan oleh orang tua siswa dalam memandu proses belajar online anak. Soal diatas berupa pertanyaan yang terbuka, artinya banyak jawaban tidak terpaku seperti diatas. mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa bermanfaat, Trimakasih

BACA JUGA  Contoh dialog kalimat setuju dan tidak setuju